Confidential support, education, and advocacy for members of the LGBTQ+ community, their friends, family, and allies.
Ways We Help:
Monthly Meetings
Community Outreach
Confidential Peer Support
Upcoming Events
- Mon, Mar 03Mount Horeb Public Library
- Mon, Apr 07Mount Horeb Public Library
PFLAG is a not-for-profit corporation with a 501(c)(3) status. We provide support, education, and advocacy for members of the LGBTQ community and their friends, family, and allies. In an effort to make this organization as open and accessible as possible, we have chosen to keep our dues low:
Individual - $30 ($15 of this goes to PFLAG National)
Household - $45 ($15 of this goes to PFLAG National)
Dues and donations may be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Your contribution, at whatever level, will help us continue to offer support, education, and advocacy to LGBT persons, their family and friends. Our goals for 2019 include expanding chapter outreach, nurturing chapter health and supporting one another, and growing PFLAG’s involvement with other organizations through collaboration and partnerships.
What does joining the chapter or renewing your membership do for you? It makes you a vital part of PFLAG’s continuing effort to provide support to, education about, and advocacy on behalf of LGBT individuals, their families and friends.
What does your dues payment do for the chapter? It helps us maintain a stable financial base so that the board of directors can focus on responding to community needs. It pays for publications, program costs, community outreach, and more.
If you'd like to join our chapter, please print the Membership Form and return it with a check made payable to PFLAG Mount Horeb to the address listed on the form.